June/July Roundup

Junior National Outdoor Championships

To start this month’s update, we have the chance to celebrate two of our junior archers, who both won their categories at this year’s National Championships held at Lilleshall.

A massive shout out to Meredith B (Metric V u12 Ladies Recurve)  & Alan H (Metric 3 u14 Gents Compound). Meredith captured four county records, and each set seven club records.

Results like this come from dedication, application, and commitment.

I would also like to acknowledge their families, coaches and friends; all top performers have a strong support group around them.


 Cheshire County Bowmen WA 1440 competition

Our first WA1440 since 2019, the event was well attended by archers from within the county and further afield. Thanks to those who participated on a dry, blustery, challenging shooting day.

Firstly, on behalf of the club, we would like to thank all the members that helped set up / take down and run the event, even when not competing. A lot of work goes on in the background, and all contributions are incredibly valuable. Without that support, we would be unable to run such professional and respected events. The next opportunity to volunteer will be when we host the junior shoot in September. More about that in the next update.

Congratulations to the following club members.

Ian B and Derek W both took 3rd place in their respective categories. Ian also took away the award for the highest score for a Cheshire Gent.

Carol B picked up the 50m distance award in the Ladies’ compound.

John B shot in the Gents Masters and placed second.

After encouraging you all to try out a competition in our first update, I want to acknowledge Dave B, who shot his first ever WA1440, picking up his PB.

The complete list of results can be found by following this LINK


252 Badges

Alex Kippax                 20, 30 & 40 yards        Longbow

Jack Preece                 50 yards                      Barebow

To learn more about the 252-award scheme, please follow this link 252 AWARDS.  Here you will find a detailed overview and scores required by each discipline.


Other competition news

Assheton Bowmen in Manchester held their annual WA1440 on the 12th of June. Under challenging conditions, Ian B and Derek W both competed, with Derek securing another 3rd place in the gents compound.

Each year the National County Team Championships is held at Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre. Cheshire are sending six teams on the 24th & 25th September. CCB is very proud to acknowledge that four of our club members have been selected to shoot representing Cheshire.

Derek Whittingham Gents Compound, Jacci Alexander Ladies Recurve, Ian Burton Gents Recurve and Claudia Caldeira in the Ladies Barebow team. Congratulations to all and good luck


Look after yourself when shooting outdoors.

Shooting in the summer is enormous fun but also has a few risks. Even on cloudy days, the level of UV light can cause sunburn and, in the longer term, lead to skin cancers.

So when shooting, please apply common sense and remember.

  • Make sure you use plenty of sunscreens when out in the sun, especially on your face, ears, neck, arms and legs
  • Stay hydrated
  • Wear a hat
  • Stay in the shade where possible (a tent, for example, when not shooting)


We have recently passed £1000 of contributions from members and friends of the club, using https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk.

This is a brilliant and easy way to help fund our club. Many thanks to everyone already using the website.

100% of this money is raised from donations by online retailers.

If you, your friends, families, or a business you know buy online, they can contribute to the club. Just shop as usual and use easyfundraising. There are over 4000 retailers listed, and you can also add a plug-in to your browser, so you never miss a chance for them to donate.

It’s free, and it is easy.