The last few years has taken an unprecedented toll on many businesses and also sporting clubs and facilities. With the inability to use our normal facilities this has resulted in a reduced amount of income from membership fees and also competitions entries, all of which are the foundation for keeping the club running and covering rental costs for our facilities. We are also long term planning to source an appropriate open space that can be a permenant home to Cheshire County Bowmen.
CCB have looked at ways in which we can try to produce some immediate income and long term fundraising. If you would like to support our club there a few ways in which we would love your help and involvement. If you would like to support us with any of the below options or have any questions please contact Ian by email for more details.
Be our annual club Sponsor – Each year we have a club sponsor who we actively promote and mention at tournaments, via social media platforms and any news related articles.
Buy a Boss! Every year we host several competitions and see many archers from all over the country come to compete. As a result we need 6-10 new targets each year to replace old damaged and unsuitable bosses. £125.00 would buy a boss for the club and we would be happy to work with you to provide some pomotional support in return for your support.
Gofundme – For our long term vision of aquiring our own home and open space donations would be most welcome to support this long term vision. Click here for details
Donate a raffle Prize – At our competitions each year we have a tombola which is an excellent way of raising additional funds. If you are able to donate any type of prize be it a bottle a voucher to spend at your business, or any type of gift at all this would be a huge attraction for competing archers to try and win on the competition day.
Easyfundraising. For anyone who buys goods online this is a fantastic way for you to raise donations for Cheshire County Bowmen. The best part is it won’t cost YOU anything other than a few extra seconds of your time. As a business that uses companies such as Viking, Trainline, etc some of the donataion can be really good and will make a massive difference to the club. If You are a personal shopper using online shopping ( probably now more than ever! ) every purchase could possiblyraise a free donation from the retailer to the club.
There are apps available for mobile phones & tablets and for desktops/laptops even a donation reminded that pops up to remind you that a donation is available for your chosen cause. If ever there was a way to support a cause and not have to put your hand in your pocket then this is it !!!
How does easyfundraising work?: There over 4000 retailers who have all agreed to pass a donation to us when you shop with them. The donation is usually a percentage of how much you spend with them but it can also be a set amount, such as £30 for a new car insurance policy from Aviva. Retailers include Amazon, M&S, Boden, John Lewis, Argos, Expedia and 4000 other well known names.
What do you need to do to raise money?: Firstly register free with and select who you want to support (in this case choose Cheshire County Bowmen). It’s free to register and use.
To raise money, instead of going directly to the retailer website, log into easyfundraising first and click on or search for the retailer you want to shop with. You’ll then be taken to the retailer’s website where you shop as you would normally. But because you visited easyfundraising first, your cause gets a donation. It really is that simple!.
What’s the catch?: No catch. Whatever you buy costs exactly the same as it would if you visited the retailer site directly. Easyfundraising don’t take any financial information from you as all your transactions are with the retailer. They won’t sell your information on and they won’t spam you. And it doesn’t cost you or your cause anything.
By doing this you will be supporting a fantastic and very long running archery club in Chester and ensuring that the members and the club can be sustained during this time. Any additional funds will be used toward new equipment and or long term goal of obtaining our own facility.
We thank you in advance choosing Cheshire County Bowmen as your cause.