AGB Progress Awards
Cheshire County Bowmen encourages its new junior and adult members to develop their archery skills through the Archery GB Progress Awards. Along with the 252 Achievement Awards, these offer a good starting point for beginners and lead towards the AGB classifications.
There are five Archery GB Progress Awards badges which are awarded in sequence of white – black – blue – red – gold. The Badges are open to all of the club’s junior and adult archers who submit THREE qualifying scores to the Records Oficer ( Terry ) and that the scores are shot in accordance to the following rules:
- Shooting may be indoors or outdoors;
- The archer must shoot 36 arrows in a single session;
- More than one round can be shot in the same session/day;
- 6 ‘sighter’ arrows are allowed per session;
- A club scoresheet must be completed accurately and submitted to the Records Officer. The scoresheet needs to give the archer’s first name and surname, bow type, the distance shot and the date. All scores, hits and golds must be recorded and totalled, with the scoresheet agreed and countersigned by an experienced (adult) club member;
- To claim awards, archers must achieve the scores shown in the Archery GB progress Awards chart. £3 per Badge.
A downloadable version of the above score sheet can be found on AGB’s website by clicking here